Greenlight Display

For the best Greenlight Display for you…see!

Collectible Hangers

Collectible HangersThe secure and flexible way to display your hanging collectibles! Get the best Greenlight Display System for your Hanging Collectibles.

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If you want to display your Greenlight vehicles still in Blister Packs or Clamshell, then this is the Greenlight Display System for you. And it doesn’t matter the size or type of today’s Greenlight Display “clamshell/blister packs”. From the standard size, to the newest packaging, you can have the perfect Greenlight Display. No more ‘slide’ or ‘slot’ system only for specific sizes. Get the innovative Collectible Hangers system to build your Greenlight Display.

Collectible Hangers- a new way to display your hanging collectibles. Your hanging collectibles are just that, they are collectible products purchased in ‘hanging’ packages. While die-cast vehicles are the most common hanging collectible, they are not the only ones. However, to introduce you to Collectible Hangers, we will focus on die-cast vehicles. And you should quickly see that Collectible Hangers are…

“The secure and flexible way to display your hanging collectibles.”

Collectible Hangers Example: Use for Greenlight Display System
Example- Clamshell and Full Blister, same system for Greenlight Display.

Collectible Hangers can be used with various hanging package sizes and types. Especially “Clamshell/Full Blister” die-cast packaging (shown here).

Collectible Hangers Diecast Display Blister Pack
Greenlight Display – Example Blister Pack size

Today’s cards come in multiple sizes and the cars are inside the plastic shell (or ‘Blister’) on the card which also vary in size. In other words, the cards are the same size, but the plastic shell holding the car on the card is not always uniform in shape or size, and most importantly is the height.

The design of the Collectible Hangers system allows you to vary the placement of each car so you can achieve a uniform design.